No room for Mum…

It’s after midnight and baby has woken again for his bottle. After I quickly feed him, reposition him and cover him with his blanket I drag my feet to the bed only to discover my husband has rolled over and also conquered my side of the bed…whilst I stand there and contemplate the tiny corner of the mattress left for me, and briefly consider the floor, I also take a minute to observe my family fast asleep – and smile to myself, thankful. I’d sacrifice my sleep, my bed, and myself happily if it meant they would sleep this soundly every night. Content with what was left for me I squeezed my backside onto the bed. Admittedly I tried wrestling for the blanket – What? My feet were cold! – and now that everyone’s asleep, Mum is wide awake!!!


What puts you in the mood???

To write –  you perverts!  Or to create.  If you’re an artist what inspires you to create art?  Singers, what makes you want to sing?  Writers, what fills you with inspiration and motivates you to put the proverbial pen to paper?

As a writer, these are the things that inspire me to write – to the point where if I can’t get to my laptop immediately I get itchy and restless with the urge.

  • Rain and stormy weather – my number one inspiration, don’t ask my why, but it works every time
  • Coffee – must have a good cup of coffee or tea with me otherwise it doesn’t feel right
  • Reading novels from the same genre – I think “Hey, I can do that” or “I can write that better”

I’m loving the weather in Sydney at the moment – lots of overcast and rainy weather to fuel my motivation.

Please comment below and let me know what gets your juices flowing…(not those juices).

